Visitor Information

How do I contact a store manager?

If you would like to contact the manager of a store, click here to access our store directory where you will find the store address and telephone number for each store.

How do I contact management of Kilner Way retail park?

Kilner Way Retail Park is owned by The Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation and managed by Workman LLP. If you would like to get in touch call +44 (0) 161 828 5777

How many car parking spaces do you have?

We have 628 free car parking spaces.

Do you have disabled parking facilities?

Yes. We have disabled parking bays at Kilner Way retail park.

Where can I find out about job opportunities at Kilner Way retail park?

Please contact each store directly.

I have lost something!

Please report any lost items to Workman LLP on +44 (0) 161 828 5777

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